We live in a changing world where iphones take better pictures than some compact cameras. We are all becoming photographers with some kind of camera in our pocket
and this brings along serious changes in event documentation. Also in the field of photojournalism (it is enough to think about the flood of amateur pictures of a happenings)
but now I would like to focus more on what it changed in the life of an organization//business when in need of a photographer:
- There is even a faster growing need and motivation to document events, projects, meetings, conferences or whatever
might be of importance in the life of a non profit organization, international organizations or businesses.
Cameras got cheap and accessible, and also reaching out to the public on online channels has become far easier, and also more wanted.
Organizations communicate via facebook and there you might need pictures day by day.
- More pictures are being taken but on average they are of lower quality. There are more cameras but not necessarily more skilled photographers.
- The increased need and motivation of documentation of events/conferences/projects brings along an increased need for skilled photographers.
However organizations might not have an elevated budget for this.
- Visual literacy is the ability to interpret, negotiate, and make meaning from information presented in the form of an image, extending the meaning of literacy, which commonly signifies interpretation of a written or printed text.
The solution is to teach your organization the necessary skills for visual communication.
With today's technology, it is very easy to make perfect pictures for documentary and social media purposes, but you need a teacher to make the most out of your camera and get the basics on composition and other tricks.
"Zsuzsa has held a workshop at FAO ROME HQ in June 2015. I was very astonished how much knowledge and insight she can give in just 2 hours,
she is an amazingly efficient teacher with a good capacity to get on the same wavelength with her students.
We discussed the needs of the group in advance and she prepared the material according to our needs and wishes.
The group consisted of professionals working in FAO communication office who also go on field works and although they are not professional
photographers, it is necessary that they occasionally deliver good photos which we can use for various communication materials.
We wanted to improve their technical and compositional skills on the workshop. Zsuzsa succeeded in sharing her experiences as a photographer,
and giving very useful tips and hints, like how to make good group picture, how to use the natural light and to pay attention to details like including
the FAO logo on pictures if possible. The colleagues who took part on the workshop were very enthusiastic and their photos have really improved since then."
Oxana Perminova
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, ROME, ITALY
Two 4 hour session workshops for maximum 3 people.
Tailor made to the specific needs of the organization (event documentation, outdoor
photography, product photos etc) and camera equipment.
Written information and learning materials handed out to each participant.
1st 4 hour session:
- settings and modes of the camera
- basic comprehension of Shutter speed, Aperture, ISO, Flash, White Balance
- Visual literacy,composition and framing - talking about recent event photos of the company, summing up the photography topics and areas the organization/project will be needing
- about possible gears (tripod, external flash, lenses, filters etc.)
2nd 4 hour sessions:
- Questions from previous lesson, checking photos made of recent events
- Going deeper into the camera's settings if requested
- and how to use the Manual mode if there is on the camera
- Discussing the photography topics gathered:
- Event documentation - outdoor
- Event documentation - indoor with or without flash
- Portraits
- Small group pictures
- Big group pictures
- Sport event
- Still life and products
- after editing programs, pixel sizes for different purposes (online, print etc), file naming, archiving, showcasing online (webgalleries etc.)
One 4 hour session workshops for maximum 10 people.
Tailor made to the specific needs of the organization (event documentation, outdoor
photography, product photos etc) and camera equipment.
Written information and learning materials handed out to each participant.
- Specifying the exact needs in photography before the course and focus on those topics-
- settings and modes of the camera
- basic comprehension of ISO, Flash, White Balance
- composition and framing - talking about recent event photos of the company
- introduction to visual literacy
- being prepared for different situations: group picture, portrait, event etc.
- after editing programs, pixel sizes for different purposes (online, print etc), file naming, archiving, showcasing online (webgalleries etc.)
For quote and information write to zsuzsa@pogacia-photo.com